zoom Herby yogurt dressing - Photo by Jonathan Gregson

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    Herby yogurt dressing

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    Herby yogurt dressing

    Try drizzling over lightly steamed spears of asparagus (just snap off the woody stems before steaming) or tossing through a green leaf or warm grain salad. Serve with poached salmon, or use it to marinate chicken.

    • Preparation time: 5 minutes

    Serves: 4


    200g Greek yogurt
    25g pack basil
    ½ x 25g pack chives
    Juice of ½ a lemon
    1 tsp clear honey 


    1. Put all the ingredients in a blender. Season, then whizz until combined.

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    The beauty of this dressing is that it can be made with any soft herbs you have in the fridge. Add green chilli for spice, or a little ground cumin for depth.  



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