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    Strawberries in elderflower

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    Strawberries in elderflower

    by Diana Henry

    • Preparation time: 10 minutes + chilling

    Serves: 4


    5 tbsp elderflower cordial, or to taste
    3 tbsp lemon juice
    4 tbsp caster sugar
    500g strawberries
    Vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, to serve
    Meringues and/or shortbread, to serve (optional)


    1. Put 75ml boiling water, the elderflower cordial, lemon juice and sugar into a bowl and mix together, stirring to help the sugar dissolve.

    2. Taste, as elderflower cordials vary in strength and you might want to add more water or more cordial. Leave to cool.

    3. Hull and slice the strawberries and put them into a serving bowl. Pour over the syrup and chill briefly. If you leave them in the syrup for too long, they get soft.

    4. Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Add some meringues and/or shortbread too, if liked.

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