Full of flavour and incredibly fresh -
it's no wonder why British asparagus
is often described as the best in the
world. Grown all over the country, from Kent and
Norfolk to the Isle of Man, this versatile vegetable
tastes just as good with scrambled eggs and toast
as it does with salmon or chicken in salads, risottos
and pasta meals. But don't forget the season is short.
Officially ending at the end of June, it's time to make
the most of this national treasure.
" Full of flavour, it is a delicacy and one of the few
vegetables people seem very happy to enjoy as
the main feature on their plate. I can’t think of
anything more delicious than English asparagus
lightly cooked in water, with melted butter, a
squeeze of fresh lemon juice, and freshly milled
salt and black pepper.”
Michel Roux Jr, Waitrose Weekend