zoom Broad bean and potato salad

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    Broad bean and potato salad

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    Broad bean and potato salad

    • Preparation time: 15 minutes
    • Cooking time: 20 minutes
    • Total time: 35 minutes 35 minutes

    Serves: 4


    4 essential Waitrose smoked British back bacon rashers
    500g baby new potatoes
    300g essential Waitrose frozen baby broad beans
    1 tbsp chopped parsley
    1 tbsp chopped dill
    2½ tbsp essential Waitrose British half fat crème fraîche


    1. Preheat the grill to high. Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for 15 minutes. Shell the broad beans, defrosted, and add to the potatoes for the final 3 minutes of cooking.

    2. Meanwhile, stir the parsley and dill into the crème fraîche. Place the bacon under the grill until very crisp, then chop into bite-sized pieces.

    3. Drain the vegetables and, while still warm, toss in the herbed crème fraîche. Sprinkle with the crispy bacon and serve.

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