Cooking glossary


Leave to prove

A term used in bread making. Bread dough is usually left to rise twice during the bread making process and this is the second rising. The dough is left to prove until it is doubled in size and then it is ready for baking.

Leave to rest

When making pastry the dough is less likely to shrink during cooking if it is chilled before rolling out, eg wrap the pastry in clingfilm and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Leave to rise

A term used in bread making. Bread dough is usually left to rise twice during the bread making process and this is the first rising. The kneaded dough is left to rise until it is doubled in size before it is kneaded for a second time.

Leave to stand

To develop flavours fully ingredients are mixed and then put on one side for a specified period of time, eg combine the marinade ingredients, place the chicken in a non-metallic dish and spoon over the marinade, leave to stand in the fridge for 30 minutes before cooking.