Food glossary

Woody, aromatic rosemary


With its distinctive aroma and woody texture rosemary is one of the most popular Mediterranean herbs. It is often added to dishes with garlic - the two flavours complement each other beautifully. The flavour of rosemary is retained after drying and 1 tsp of dried rosemary is equivalent to 3 tsp of chopped fresh leaves.

Uses: Traditionally served with roast lamb, rosemary is also popular in stuffings, marinades and casseroles. Sprinkle fresh or dried rosemary and chopped garlic cloves over roast potatoes for a delicious flavour. Throw a few sprigs of rosemary on hot barbecue coals to add flavour to meat and fish.

To store: Fresh rosemary can be stored in the fridge for up to 1 week.

To prepare: Fresh rosemary sprigs can be used to flavour dishes and removed before cooking. To add fresh rosemary to dishes, strip the needle-shaped leaves off the woody stem and chop them (it is easier to chop fresh rosemary using kitchen scissors rather than a knife).

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