garlic chives

This pungent herb is a fixture of many Asian cuisines, bringing its allium freshness to soups, stir-fries and dumplings.

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Garlic Chives

Did you know

Though they’re closely related, garlic chives are subtly different to the regular chives familiar to European cooks. Garlic chives are taller (growing to 60cm, rather than 50cm), their flowers are white rather than lilac, and – of course – they carry a stronger allium flavour.

garlic chives

This pungent herb is a fixture of many Asian cuisines, bringing its allium freshness to soups, stir-fries and dumplings.

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Garlic Chives


The subtle onion fragrance of regular chives boosted by the assertiveness of garlic.


  • Sprinkle snipped Garlic Chives over scrambled eggs at breakfast. 
  • Add to minced pork in a filling for Chinese dumplings.  
  • Snip over stir-fries before serving.   
  • Scatter chopped Garlic Chives over bowls of slippery ramen noodles. 
  • Use strips of Garlic Chives to bring an allium fragrance to salads. 
  • Add to bring a whiff of garlic to a creamy potato soup. 
  • Stir through couscous to serve alongside lamb kofte and yogurt.
  • Mix into walnut-sized sausage meatballs to add to stir-fries and Asian broths.

easy meal idea

Garlic chive egg mayonnaise

The allium fragrance of Garlic Chives brings a welcome extra dimension to this luxurious sandwich spread.

  1. Mix mayonnaise with a little horseradish sauce, some Dijon mustard and crème fraîche. Snip in some Garlic Chives, add some finely diced celery and season with a little sea salt (or celery salt) and freshly ground black pepper. 

  2. Roughly chop some hard-boiled eggs and stir them through the mayo mix until fully incorporated. Sandwich between thick slices of white bloomer bread and serve with pickles or crunchy radishes.
Did you know

Though they’re closely related, garlic chives are subtly different to the regular chives familiar to European cooks. Garlic chives are taller (growing to 60cm, rather than 50cm), their flowers are white rather than lilac, and – of course – they carry a stronger allium flavour.


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