sushi rice

This rice is a must for homemade sushi. The medium grains are starchy and sticky, helping them hold together when rolled up in a sheet of nori. 

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Sushi Rice

Did you know

Sushi rice was originally a by-product. Japanese cooks would preserve fish by fermenting it with vinegar, salt and rice – after which the rice would be thrown away. It wasn’t until the early 19th century that this vinegared rice found its role in the sushi creations we would recognise today.  


This rice is a must for homemade sushi. The medium grains are starchy and sticky, helping them hold together when rolled up in a sheet of nori. 

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Sushi Rice

what does sushi rice taste like?

Just like white rice, but a little stickier.

tips, tricks & ideas

  • Sushi, sushi, and more sushi! Spread your cooked rice over a sheet of nori and fill with anything you fancy: fish (tuna mayo, if you’re after something simple), pickled vegetables, tofu, avocado, crispy fried onions, garlic chives…
  • Fry cooked rice with eggs and leftover veggies and meat.  
  • Simmer in a pot of water to make congee (rice porridge) and top with sliced salad onions.  
  • Top a rice bowl with crunchy veg, pickles and tofu, chicken, fried strips of steak, or fish. Finish with a fried egg – the runny yolk acts as a sauce. 
  • Use leftover cooked rice to make Sicilian arancini or Korean bibimbap.

easy meal idea

Salmon poke bowls

The stickiness and medium grain of Sushi Rice works perfectly with this health-conscious Hawaiian lunch.

  1. Cook Sushi Rice as per the pack instructions. Set aside to cool. Add diced uncooked salmon steak to a marinade of soy, rice vinegar, gochujang and sesame oil. Transfer to the fridge for 20 minutes. 

  2. Arrange the cooked Sushi Rice over a third of the base a serving bowl. In another third, add thin slices of avocado. In the remaining third, add some strips of carrot and cucumber slices. Top with the cured salmon and garnish with black sesame seeds and edamame beans. 
Did you know

Sushi rice was originally a by-product. Japanese cooks would preserve fish by fermenting it with vinegar, salt and rice – after which the rice would be thrown away. It wasn’t until the early 19th century that this vinegared rice found its role in the sushi creations we would recognise today.


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