Whether they’re added whole to braises or ground to use as a spice, they impart a tart, tangy and intense citrus flavour.
- Pierce a whole lime a few times with a knife, then add it to perfume slow-cooked Persian-style stews.Â
- Add pierced whole limes to the cooking liquid for fragrant rice dishes.Â
- Blitz in a spice grinder to use in place of sumac – for example, to season Middle Eastern salads such as tabbouleh and fattoush, or sprinked over a dish of houmous or a slab of baked feta.Â
- Use in a marinade for chicken, lamb or fish.
- Crush, mix with equal parts salt, and add to the rim of a margarita glass.Â
- Use ground limes to garnish pineapple, mango and kiwi.Â
- Finely grate over a prawn curry to finish. Â
- Store ground limes in a sealed container, so you always have some citric seasoning at the ready.
easy meal idea
Middle Eastern-spiced roast chicken thighs
This fragrant chicken bake is wonderful served with a dish of spiced baked rice and a simple green salad.Â
Mix together the following: 1 ground black lime; ½ tbsp turmeric; ½ tbsp ground cumin; ½ tbsp nigella seeds; 1 tsp smoked paprika; 1 tsp cinnamon; 3 cloves of crushed garlic; 60g Greek yogurt; 1 tbsp honey; and 2 tbsp vegetable oil. Add 8 chicken thighs and mix thoroughly, massaging the paste into the chicken well. Marinate for 2 hours.Â
Add the chicken to a 200C/gas 6 oven and roast for 45 minutes, or until it is brown and charred in places and cooked through. Baste with leftover marinade a couple of times during cooking to build up a nice crust (though not within the final 20 minutes of cooking, as the marinade has been in contact with the raw meat). Rest for 5-10 minutes, then serve.Â
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