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    Warm sourdough crumpets with crab, chilli, tomatoes and rocket

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    Warm sourdough crumpets with crab, chilli, tomatoes and rocket

    By Gary Lee

    • Preparation time: 10 minutes
    • Cooking time: 10 minutes
    • Total time: 20 minutes 20 minutes


    100g pack Seafood & Eat It Fifty-Fifty crab
    1 lemon, zest, plus a squeeze of juice
    ½ small red chilli, finely chopped
    2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
    4 sourdough crumpets
    small handful rocket or baby spinach leaves
    ½ x 250g pack mixed baby tomatoes, halved


    1. Preheat the oven to 180˚C, gas mark 4. Carefully separate the white and brown crab into bowls. Lightly season the white, and stir in the lemon zest, chilli and 1 tsp olive oil.

    2. Lightly toast the crumpets, then place on a baking tray. Give the brown crab a stir, then spread onto the crumpets and put in the oven for 3 minutes. Spoon the white crab mixture on top of the brown crab and put back in the oven for another 2 minutes, until warmed through.

    3. Meanwhile, in a bowl mix the rocket or baby spinach with a squeeze of lemon juice and the remaining 1 tsp olive oil, then add the halved tomatoes. Put the warm crumpets on plates and arrange the rocket and tomato salad around them. Cut in half or into fingers or leave whole and enjoy while warm, with a lemon wedge on the side, if liked.

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