Food glossary



Perhaps not the most beautiful vegetable on the shelf, celeriac is a versatile root vegetable. As the name suggests, it tastes like celery but without the stringiness. Look for firm celeriac with a minimum of rootlets and knobs. Available from September to May.

Uses: In soups and stews, mashed or chopped into chunks as an accompanying vegetable. It can be used raw in salads.

To store: Place in a cool, airy place for a few weeks. Alternatively, dice and blanch for 4 minutes then freeze for use in casseroles.

To prepare: Peel then slice, dice, grate or cut into julienne strips, dropping them into water containing lemon juice or vinegar to stop them browning. Once cut there may be dark flecks on the flesh but this is quite normal.

To cook: Boil cubed celeriac with a little added lemon juice for 15-20 minutes or until tender. It can also be steamed, baked or fried.