How to store, prepare & cook courgette
Also know as zucchini and once considered a delicacy, courgettes are now a popular choice in Britain. The green variety are widely available but look out for the sweeter yellow courgettes too. Look for small, firm courgettes with a bright green or yellow colour and smooth skins - they should be heavy for their size. Courgette flowers are a delicacy and are served stuffed and deep-fried in restaurants. Available all year, but better value during the summer.
Uses: As an accompanying vegetable, in soups, in pasta sauces, in stir-fries or stuffed.
To store: Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.
To prepare: Courgettes do not need to be peeled - trim the ends off and either cook whole or slice into rounds or strips, wash before use.
To cook: Cook in boiling water or steam for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on size, until tender. Or fry courgette slices for 5-10 minutes until tender. Toss in lemon juice and butter and season with black pepper before serving.